Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Brave New World

So today was a lil bit brigher. Im feeling a lil better. I think my sinuses are finally draining really well. Thank God. Im also glad that the suns out in full force today. It wasnt all cloudy n cold. Which is nice.

In english we got to chose which book were reading and instead of like doing it as a class were doing it in "Literature Circles". It looks deceptively independent and easy. In reality. Not so much. Wehve 3 weeks to get everything done fo the book and read in its entirety, which when u look at all the stuff we have to do for it, is no easy task. Anyway w had the choice between doing Brave New World or Frankenstein.
I picked Brave New World. Its supposed to be weird n science fictiony. I mean, they grow kids in a lab etc. I read like the general plot of it on Sparknotes to kinda get a good idea of what it gonna be. I think Ill really like it. It seems weird which  like weird books/movies. ANNNDD. It ties into Leviathan(which I have yet to finish). The authors dad was reallly in tight with Darwin back in the day and his last name was Huxley. In Leviathan one of the first Darwinist air beasts (genetically fabricated anmals that in this case fly) was called the Huxley after him. its kind neat, and BNW kinda deals with genetics etc.

So yeah all in all today was a good day. Im pretty excited because the Fantastic Mr. Fox DVD will be here tomorrow from Netflix. SUPER EXCITED.

Well I guess thats all for now... I feel a nap coming on
Resting helps the sinuses