Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wednesday with E+C

Well today was a nice day with Emuhlee and Caitlin. We ended up going to Galliapolis (after I FINALLY found her house! haha)
On the way down there we took a lil detour(I made a definite wrong turn and went god knows where) haha.
Once we finally got on track we stopped for a bite of Chinese. First of all, let me say, that china restaurant was one of the best ever. Today when I was there, it was a DEFINITE low grade. So sad. I mean it just wasn't as good as it normally was. I could get better in Wellston.
I digress.
After eating a hearty Chinese dish we went on down to Dollar Tree because I heard that they had bamboo stalks(which we could use for VBS) and whala! they had them. I was stoked out of my mind. I mean the cheapest bamboo stalks I had found were like 5 bucks man. So this is definitely a money saver.
Well after we went to DT we were headed home. I was itching to use my Speedway free fountain drink coupon so we made a pit stop at Speedway. Well, when I went to get my coupon out, Surprise! I couldn't find it. I realized that when I took my money out at the restaurant I had left my coupon on the table. Now some nice Chinese waitress has a coupon for a free Speedway fountain drink.
Welp, I hope she enjoys it n it brightened up her day.
Anyway, I bought my drink anyway and we were off again. This time, in my haste to get past the road crew that was making traffic, I missed our red light so I had to turn around and come back into GPLIS and get my light. After that it was all highway. We talked alot, well, mostly me on the way back. I think it was the Mountain Dew. haha.
All it was a nice lil trip. We're definitely doing another one like it soon.
I also went to see Toy Story 3 with Sara. It was ok. I liked the other ones better, but that's usually the way it goes. (more on that later)
Well, that was my day. Once again Ive proved that I have a horrible sense of direction, which doesn't surprise some of you. haha. What can I say? I need a GPS.