Do you still celebrate your birthday?
What's your favorite kind of cake?
Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday?
What's your sign?
Best present you've ever gotten on your special day?
Worst gift?
My Answers:
Do you still celebrate your birthday? Most definitely. :D
What's your favorite kind of cake? I'm not big on cake but my favorite is cheesecake. Yes I know its not really a "cake" but hey, it has the word "cake" in it; cut me some slack :)
Craziest thing you've ever done for your birthday? I've never really done anything too crazy for my bday. Its sad I know, but hey, I'm only 19
Best present you've ever gotten on your special day? Hmmm. I can't really pick out a specifically best gift. I usually get good gifts.
Worst gift? My Grandma V got me a rose soap set. Bless her heart she meant well, but I don't do bars of soap shaped like roses that smell like, well, soap. haha What are you gonna do?
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