Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanks Snow

Yeah so thanks to this lovely snowy weather I am definitely going to have to get up early n leave to go to Shawnee tomorow. Bleck.
I CANNOT be late tomorrow.
No excuses.
I have my finals, the first one at 10AM and if I'm late then its kind of like, too bad.
So being late is not an option.
Thanks snow.
I am so glad to be almost done with this semester though.
Its seemed to take forever sometimes.
Next semester I have a class with Trev so thats definitely a plus
I'm not so much looking forward to driving to shawnee when it REALLLYYY starts snowing in Jan & Feb.

Yeah, I'm not really worried about my finals. The only one I'm concerned with is, like I said before, math. I've been studying hard for it though so I hope I do well.
Fingers crossed!
Its 20% of my grade!!!

Anywho... you guys be sure to think of me when you're snuggled in your blankies, or at work tomorrow
I'll be driving.

(The view from my aunts driveway yesterday)