Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sweet Photo's - & The Return of POD's!

I know it's been a while since I shared some of my photo goodness on here.
I'm sorry!
Like I said before, I've been super swamped with college.
Its true!
This week I'm on break! Woohoo!
I still have to get my presentation, and photo projects done though, so really, its not that much of a break. haha.
I'll get through somehow!

I just wanted to share a few of the photo's I've taken lately, so I'm going to reinstate Picture of the Day!!
I'll try to keep up with it, I prizomise!

Here's the first one:

This photo was taken while I was doing some photo's for my friend Greg (who makes AWESOME music btw). 
I know its a bit overdone, but I have a small weakness for railroad tracks/photo's.